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The Moxxi Marketing Blog

Elements Your Website Needs to Rank

We find it hard to believe, but about one-third of the nation’s small businesses still do not have a website. Hard to believe because so much of today’s business activity is Internet-driven. Consider first that more than 90% of consumers research products and services on the Internet from websites that rank before making a purchase. This suggests that absent a website, your business may have slashed its potential customer base by 90%.

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Paid Search Advertising Versus Paid Social Media Advertising

Anyone can see that Internet-based advertising saturates the World Wide Web these days, but many small business owners do not understand how the different types of digital marketing can boost sales or otherwise spur customer engagement. If nothing else, small business owners should familiarize themselves with paid search advertising and paid social media advertising. Both of these digital marketing strategies have proven highly effective at capturing new customers and boosting customer engagement.

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Consider LinkedIn Events for Hosting Professional Virtual Events

The global COVID-19 pandemic significantly boosted the importance of digital communications. Without such digital resources that allow people to hold virtual meetings and other events, many companies would have struggled to maintain operations during the pandemic. This has helped make “Zoom” a digital communications buzzword and led to an expansion of digital communications and virtual meeting capabilities.

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Moxxi Marketing has Joined Lasso Up

We have merged forces with Lasso Up. Please visit the new website or call us at (888) 700 9412!